support our films

An exciting feature of independent filmmaking is collaboration. We love to collaborate, and we know that it can come in many forms. More on that in a moment.
We make inexpensive films by industry standards, but we still like to have control over our creative choices. Some films we can make for very little money. Some films require more to execute. Whether the budget is $250 or $15,000, having enough is paramount. On a larger film, all kinds of expenses, hidden and not so hidden, add up: locations, talent, food, tools and equipment, wardrobe, festival fees, marketing, travel and logistics, etc.
This is where you come in.
If you like our films, one way to collaborate with us is to support our films financially. Maybe you can give one time to a specific project, or maybe you'd like to regularly give to keep birdhouse making films.
The point is we make our films because we are compelled to make them. They don't go through the industry system. They aren't designed to be business ventures. They're art house. If you're reading this, you love the best of what art house film can be. The only way our films can get made is through the support of people exactly like you. We hope you will consider collaborating with us on our next film: Sunspot.
Reach out to us. We'd love to hear from you.
Consider contributing to our Patreon below. If you'd rather write to us directly, that works too. Write to: contact at birdhousefilms.com.